Know Your Rights Business Cards

steel crafted Legal rights business cards
Know Your Rights Business Cards
We use our brilliant Black and White Silkscreen with Ink Made for Metal Cards
The most clever ideas often start as dreams, and providing United States Citizens a thoughtful metal card on a “Know Your Rights” business card became a reality with this thoughtful polished gold and black metal card. The Fifth Amendment is quite an important one.
Know Your Rights business cards are an essential tool for individuals who are concerned about their legal rights, especially when interacting with law enforcement or government officials. These cards provide individuals with important information about their rights, including the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. They also can provide contact information for legal resources and organizations that can provide assistance in the event of an arrest or other legal incident.
One of the main benefits of Know Your Rights business cards is that they provide individuals with a quick and easy reference guide to their rights. In the event of an encounter with law enforcement, the individual can simply pull out the card and review their rights, which can help them to remain calm and assert their rights more effectively. Additionally, the cards can be distributed to individuals in high-risk communities, such as immigrants, people of color, and other marginalized groups, to help ensure that they are aware of their rights and know how to access legal resources if they need them.
Another important feature of “Know Your Rights” business cards is that they often provide contact information for legal resources and organizations that can provide assistance in the event of an arrest or other legal incident. These resources can include legal aid organizations, public defenders, and other legal service providers. Having this information readily available on the card can help to ensure that individuals are able to access the legal assistance they need as quickly as possible.
Looking to have Know Your Rights Business Cards?
If you’re looking to have Know Your Rights business cards made – our gold metal business cards are a great solution. They’re an important tool for individuals who are concerned about their legal rights, and sharing this gift can be invaluable. Providing a quick and easy reference guide to individuals rights, you can also provide contact information for legal resources and organizations that can provide assistance in the event of an arrest or other legal incident. They are a valuable resource, and making them ultra durable out of metal is an excellent solution.
Ready to get your logo on Gold and Black Metal Cards?
Easily build in our cart – Order Gold Metal Cards.
Gold Metal Cards are the perfect upgrade to Know Your Rights.
Get the best quality, today.
– the most FREE options included
– in-house professional design team
– Fast shipping from Denver, CO
Order Gold Metal Cards
The Perfect Solution to Know Your Rights- FREE Color Silkscreen
- FREE Surface Etching
- FREE Custom Shapes & Cut-Outs
- FREE Plastic Protector Sleeve on Every Card